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Gamechanger Coaching









'When we let go of wanting to change the past and we let go of wanting to control the future, one realises that you are safe.'

1:1 Coaching

It's your time - to be Heard, seen and stop banging your head against the wall. Change your mind, change your life.​

Group Mentoring

If your Team need inspiration or have undergone a significant change it's time to change your Game plan.


Is it the management who are the problem or personalities or something else?  My proven system is a Gamechanger!

Keynote Speaker

If you are looking for inspiration, If you are looking to be motivated, If you need someone who entertains. Call Me!

Let's Do This Together!

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Coaching (Meta DynamicsTM and NLP) is not about solving the problem, it is about changing the thinking, that created the problem to move you to action that you never thought was possible. 

As the saying goes, 'You only know what you know; you can't give what you don't have.' Through compassionate guidance and transformative coaching techniques, I aim to support individuals in confronting their fears and embracing their authentic selves. By fostering a safe and nurturing environment, I strive to inspire personal growth, resilience, a deep sense of self-love, and a path to move forward in life instead of staying Stuck. My favourite quote is from Albert Einstein:


‘You cannot solve a problem with the same mindset that created it.’

To solve a problem, you first have to see it clearly, from a different point of view and with an open mind.

What is Coaching?

Our Services

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Successful Woman over 40 and CEO 

I don’t know how to be myself. I get it! – You are taking care of everyone and everything but yourself, right? You struggle to say No! you feel run ragged, and you have lost your identity. You are even wondering does anybody care about me? If you have these thoughts going through your mind – look no further, you have come to the right place. Book your FREE 30- minute call today – Woman Heart to Heart LINK

The CEO ~ The Business Executive

It’s tough getting to the top and its tougher still when you get there.
Yes, you now have the contracts, the prestige, the recognition, the salary and perks and the ultimate in job satisfaction.
You can afford those things you only dreamed of that comes with the territory. A nice home, two cars, a boat and a holiday home and perhaps a happy home life with your partner and a family to treasure.
Here’s the thing, this ‘success’ can bring with it stress, anxiety, work pressures, dysfunction on the home front, marital pressures, long hours, absence from home and children left to their own devices parentless?
The elephant in the room in addition to all of the above is ‘loneliness’. No one to talk to, no one to ‘dump’ on that can relate, in the slightest…not even your partner who may be the unwilling victim of your success.
While the outside world, friends, family and work associates see a wonderful world of what success can bring, unwearyingly your struggles become your own. IT’s lonely.
Do I have to keep painting the picture?...IS this what you thought or imagined it to be like? What could change this? Book a call with me and let's find out. Book your FREE 15- minute call to see if I can assist you.
Celebrity Signing Items for Fans


Fame can be a blessing and a curse.
Dealing with family or fans with your fame can be draining, overwhelming and outright exhausting.
How do you balance between - enjoying your newfound success and keeping your head, body and mind in sync, without feeling you are losing control - it can be a lonely place. 

Book a FREE 15 minute confidential call with me today - so you can get back your mojo!
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Marriage and Relationship Counselling – Have you drifted apart?

I get it! – With life’s responsibilities and stress, you seem to spend the only precious time together, arguing and fighting over who should have taken the rubbish bin out, but really you want to feel that what you do is appreciated and that you are not taken for granted. – It happens to the best of it. The difference is knowing how to stop this pattern of unrest and break the cycle. I’ve got your back . Book your FREE 30-minute call today – What’s going on?
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Where you really allowed to be a child? or did you have to play a 'role' to help the family function?~ This is a gamechanger!

So many of us look like an adult, talk like an adult, but have an inner wounded child. Yes, that is true, and this wounded inner child is who turns up in our relationships or business when things do go well? 
Book a FREE 15 minute confidential call with me today - to see how we can bring incredible change and you can start being the real YOU.

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Grief and Bereavement Counseller – Is this it? – I feel so lost!

I get it! – Your world feels like it has turned upside down. How can anyone feel the way I am feeling? It is an awful place to be, feeling hopeless. With me you will feel heard and understood
On Your Marks

The Sports Star ~ How to stay In the flow; in the Game and After your Career

How do you stay in your flow? It is about getting out of your head and tapping into your talent and dropping the expectations of your performance. How do you do this, when your team or your country are relying on you to 'win'? The pressure can feel insurmountable. This is where I come in... 'You only know what you know'. Book a FREE 15 minute call and let's find out? 
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