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What We Do

You have made it to the top in business or have a successful career, yet something is missing...

That deep connection of feeling valued, loved and you matter.

Why is it that you feel as if you still have so much to prove, or feel empty or unseen?

The answer is have lost the emotional connection with yourself and others.


'The quality of our lives is about the quality of our relationships .'









Meet Wendy B King

Gamechanger Life Coach

Here’s how it started for me!​

At 53 years old, I desperately sought a way to feel alive and have a real sense of purpose in life. 

Since losing my firstborn daughter at the age of 25 years of age, I felt so much of myself was numbed out and living on automatic. I was going through the motions, but i was only existing. I didn't know any other way. 

Not only that, I was taking care of everyone else except myself and buried myself into the busyness of life, so I didn't have to deal with the pain.

As they say,it wasn't until I had a break down that I had a break through.


When I realised that I had fewer summers in front of me than behind me that I knew that is when it was up to me to do something different and 'drop the mask' IT was time to explore who the 'real' Wendy B King was, not who she was 'expected to be'.

You may be successful in your business career, but not in your personal life, or you may have lost your identity of who you really are due to your career path, and feel like you have taken a detour and don't know how to get your Mojo or Shazoom Back. If that is the case, let me take the wheel and guide you into the path you can only dream about. I have not only got the stripes but the knowledge and wisdom, to turn your life around. Are you up for the challenge?


 What are you waiting for? If we cannot connect with ourself how can we connect with  others, - it's a lonely place to be So lets change that TODAY.


If you are at crossroads in your journey of life, sometimes knowing what you don't want, is as valuable as what you don't want. Now is the time to get off 'Automatic' and start living!

As a child, we were raised and taught 'what to achieve' or who to model, however we were never taught how 'to be'. As Oscar Wilde said; 'To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people just exist, that is all.' Because of this, many of us have temporarily lost our way through life, pain in life is inevitable, but suffering can stop today.


Wendy B is a Gamechanger Life Coach, dedicated to helping individuals Revive their life, break free from emotional blocks and step into their power. 


With years of experience as a life coach, published author, and motivational speaker, Wendy’s authentic approach combines heartfelt storytelling, practical tools, and a unique perspective on healing and self-discovery. Whether speaking to individuals or organizations, Wendy delivers high-energy, transformative presentations that inspire immediate and lasting change.

Wendy has developed a groundbreaking approach to personal transformation, through her training in Meta DynamicsTM which includes (NLP) - Reprograming your mind,  combining emotional healing, self-discovery, and practical strategies for lasting change.


Wendy’s goal is to make an impact on how people view and see their life as well as help those who have suffered trauma, showing them there is a way through. 



  • Certified Practitioner of Coaching. Trained to the highest level. International Coaching Institute, Melbourne, Australia

  • Level 1 – 3 Meta Dynamics Coach – includes NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

  • Certified Emotional Intimacy Coach

  • Business Certificate in Level 1 and 2

  • Member of ‘International Coaching Guild’ (ICG)


Wendy would welcome the opportunity to meet with organisations, social agencies, nurses, doctors who believe that her story or book could impact others.

For speaking requests your budgets should consider, time, cost of travel and accommodation. The more information you can provide regarding your needs the quicker my response.

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Whether it is 1:1 or Group Sessions, we will have you buzzing at the end of your training.

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Building Relationships

Webinars, Online Courses, Retreats, you will never forget the feeling you have after your new found knowledge and relationships.

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